Karanvir Aulakh

Karanvir Aulakh
Dr. Karanvir Singh Aulakh is a board-certified veterinary surgeon and is a member of many veterinary specialty organizations. He obtained his Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry degrees from Punjab Agricultural University, located in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. He pursued basic science research in the field of microbiology and tumor immunology and received his Master of Science degree from the School of Medicine, at the University of Louisville, KY. Dr. Aulakh also completed his ECFVG (Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates) program from Louisiana State University and received certification from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). He then did his rotating internship, surgical internship, and small animal surgery residency at Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, in Blacksburg, VA. He obtained his second Master of Science in Biomedical Veterinary Sciences from Virginia Tech University. Dr. Aulakh is a Diplomate of American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Before joining Ethos Veterinary Health, Dr. Aulakh was a tenured associate professor in the veterinary clinical sciences department at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, in Baton Rouge, LA. He was the Chief of Surgery at LSU and served as the Director for the American College of Veterinary Surgeons residency program for eight years. He has been extensively involved in numerous research programs. During his tenure at the LSU SVM, he was able to foster national collaborations between LSU and other universities (Virginia Tech, University of Missouri, and Texas A&M), a large private veterinary hospital (Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists in Houston, TX), and industry (Exubrion Therapeutics, Budford, GA). The fruits of these collaborations resulted in the development of new treatment options that is improving the quality of care of orthopedic problems in small animals, especially elbow arthritis. He has received about 30 research grants during this time. He has published more than 25 peer reviewed articles and about 30 scientific abstracts. He has given many podium-presentation and has taught many surgery labs in various national level professional meetings. He is an invited speaker and instructor at many local, regional, and national level professional veterinary surgery meetings and conferences. One of his research projects was a multi-year clinical trial entitled, “Prospective clinical evaluation of intra-articular injection of tin-117m (117mSn; Synovetin OA) radiosynoviorthesis agent for treatment of naturally occurring elbow osteoarthritis in dogs”. This clinical trial has been published in a reputed journal of Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports. Synovetin OA is now an FDA recognized device based on safety and effectiveness. Dr. Aulakh has reviewed veterinary surgery textbooks and has served as a reviewer for many scientific surgery journals. He has also served as a judge of scientific abstracts at many meetings.
He has been involved in teaching, as well as mentoring DVM students, interns, and residents. He has trained 16 surgery residents, 18 surgical interns, and 70 rotating interns in small animal surgery and medicine. He has taught many DVM and MS courses at different universities as well. He has been the recipient of the Dean’s Teacher Merit Honor Award numerous times.
Dr. Aulakh’s clinical interests include orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery, minimally invasive surgery, and oncologic surgery.
Published Articles
Peer Reviewed Refereed Publications: (*Resident, †Intern, #Veterinary student)
Lattimer J, Fabiani M, Gaschen L, Aulakh KS, Selting, K., Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Intraarticular Administration of a 117mTin Radiocolloid (Synovetin OA™) for Treatment of Early and Intermediate Grade Osteoarthritis of the Elbow In a Dose Finding Study conducted in 44 Dogs; Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 2023 Mar;64(2):351-359. doi:10.1111/vru.13198. Epub 2022 Dec 12.
#Kmieciak L, Aulakh KS (PI), Harper T, Mitchell M, Butler R, Aulakh HK. Comparison of two stifle exploratory methods using mini-arthrotomy for diagnosis of canine medial meniscal pathology: An ex vivo study. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2022 May 17. doi:10.1055/s-0042-1748486. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35580616.
Donecker JM, Latimer JC, Gaschen L, Aulakh KS (PI) (2021). Safety and Clinical Response Following a Repeat Intraarticular Injection of Tin-117m (117mSn) Colloid in Dogs with Elbow Osteoarthritis. Vet Med (Auckl). 2021 Dec 17;12:325-335. PMID: 34950571
*McCarthy D, Gines A, Aulakh KS, Granger A (2021). Evaluation of the accuracy of a custom 3D printed drill guide for drilling canine sacra for sacroiliac luxation stabilization, and comparison with traditional free hand technique. Vet Surg. 2022 Jan;51(1):182-190. doi:10.1111/vsu.13721. Epub 2021 Sep 25. PMID: 34562025.
Donecker J, Fabiani M, Gaschen L, Aulakh KS (PI) (2021) Treatment response in dogs withnaturally occurring grade 3 elbow osteoarthritis following intra-articular injection of 117mSn(tin) colloid. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0254613. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0254613
Aulakh KS (PI), Lopez MJ, Hudson C, Gaschen L, Fabiani M, Beale B, Andrews F, Liu CC,Lattimer J. Prospective Clinical Evaluation of Intra-Articular Injection of Tin-117m (117mSn) Radiosynoviorthesis Agent for Management of Naturally Occurring Elbow Osteoarthritis in Dogs: A Pilot Study. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 2021:12 117–128. Tin-117m (Synovetin OA) is now an FDA recognized device based on safety and effectiveness.
†Horsley KT, Olby NJ, Mitchell MA, Aulakh KS and Gines JA (2021) Effect of Sedation on the Neurological Examination of the Patellar and Withdrawal Reflexes in Healthy Dogs. Front. Vet. Sci. 8:664150. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.664150
*Dominic C, Lanz OI, Muro N, Sawyere D, Aulakh KS, Pancotto T, Seda D. Titanium-Alloy Anchoring System as a Suitable Method of Extracapsular Repair. Front Vet Sci. 2020 Dec 17;7:592742. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.592742.
*Aulakh HK, Aulakh KS (PI), Ryan K, Liu CC, Acierno MJ (2020). Prospective study ofstability of urine specimens stored with preservatives at room temperature or withoutpreservative under refrigeration prior to urinalysis in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020 Oct1;257(7):726-733. doi: 10.2460/javma.257.7.726.
†Clarke E, Aulakh KS (PI), Hudson C, Barnes K, Gines JA, Liu CC, Aulakh HK (2019). Effect of sedation or general anesthesia on elbow goniometry and thoracic limb circumference measurements in dogs with naturally occurring elbow osteoarthritis. Vet Surg. 2020 Oct;49(7):1428-1436. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13499. Epub 2020 Aug 11.
Aulakh KS (PI), †Dongaonkar K, Barnes K, Gines Alberto, Bordelon J, Hulse D, Aulakh HK, Liu C (2020). Effect of orthopedic examination on lameness scores in dogs with elbow dysplasia. Vet Surg;49(3):455-462.
Cremer J, da Cunha A, Aulakh KS, Liu CC, Acierno MJ (2020). Validation of the oscillometricblood pressure monitor Vet20 SunTech in anesthetized healthy cats. Vet Anaesth Analges, 47(3):309-314.
*Cradic D, Aulakh KS (PI), #Hymel P, Barnes K, Gines JA, Rademacher N, Aulakh HK, Liu CC (2019). The use of morphometric measurements to predict meniscal size in skeletally mature dogs for meniscal transplantation. Vet Surg;49(1):172-179.
Barnes K, Aulakh KS, Liu C (2019). Retrospective evaluation of prazosin and diazepam after thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy in dogs. Vet J;253:105377.
Barnes K, †Faludi A, †Takawira C, Aulakh KS, Rademacher N, Lopez MJ (2019).Extracorporeal shock wave therapy improves short term limb use after canine tibial plateauleveling osteotomy. Vet Surg;48(8):1382-1390.
†Buirkle CL, Aulakh KS (PI), Gines JA, Rademacher N, Liu CC, Barnes K (2019). Effect oftibial rotation on the tibial plateau angle measurement in dogs: An ex vivo study. VetSurg;48(3):408–416.
Barnes K, Lanz O, Barry S, Aulakh KS (2018). Use of cancellous bone grafting to promotegranulation tissue in a distal limb wound in a dog. J Small Anim Pract;60(7):450-453. doi:10.1111/jsap.12855.
Aulakh KS (PI), #Kielb JL, Hsiao SH, Barnes K, Aulakh HK (2018). Malignant soft tissuesarcoma at the site of corticosteroid injection in a dog. J Vet Science & An Husban; 6(1):1-6.
Aulakh KS (PI), Harper TA, Lanz OI, D’Amico LL, Butler JR, McLaughlin R M, Werre SR(2013). Effect of tibial insertion site for lateral suture stabilization on the kinematics of thecranial cruciate ligament deficient-stifle during early, middle and late stance: an in vitro study. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol; 26(3): 208-217.
*D’Amico LL, Lanz OI, Aulakh KS, Butler JR, McLaughlin RM, Harper TA, Werre SR (2013). The effects of a novel lateral extracapsular suture system on the kinematics of the cranial cruciate deficient canine stifle. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol; 26(4), 271-279.
†Aulakh HK, Tyson R, Aulakh KS, Archipow W (2012). What is your diagnosis? J Amer Vet Med Assoc; 241(3), 319-321.
†Aulakh HK, Aulakh KS, Troy GC (2012). Feline histoplasmosis: a retrospective study of 22cases (1986-2009). J Amer Animl Hosp Assoc; 48(3), 182-187.
Aulakh KS, Harper TA, *Horowitz FB, Tyson R (2011). What is your diagnosis? J Amer Vet Med Assoc; 238(6), 699-700.
Aulakh KS (PI), Harper TA, Lanz OI, Daniel GB, Werre SR (2011). Effect of stifle angle on the magnitude of the tibial plateau angle measurement in dogs with intact and transected cranial cruciate ligament. A cadaveric study; Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol; 24(4), 272-8.
Kilinc MO, Aulakh KS, *Nair RE, # Jones SA, Alard P, Kosiewicz MM, Egilmez NK (2006). Reversing tumor immune suppression with intratumoral IL-12: activation of tumorassociated T effector/memory cells, induction of T suppressor apoptosis, and infiltration of CD8+ T effectors. J Immunol; 177(10), 6962-6973. Supported by National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Grant R01-CA100656-01A1.